
Poverty in India is Spreading More Than The Pandemic

India is heading to become a Populous Country! Will the Same Apply for Poverty? Yes! We accept that India is a place of different cultures, heritage, religions, languages, etc. But we are all covered under one democracy and one constitution, such a unity in diversity we exhibit in our daily lifestyle. Our homeland is a place of every extreme, where the rich and poor gap is very high, and people are deprived of human rights to eat, sleep, live, educate, and be healthy. We have more than 1.3 billion population, and among which, 60% above are living in poverty. Sixteen people’s wealth is equal to 600 million individuals in our nation, then understand the intensity of the gap between rich and poor.

We talk about billionaires, technology, brainiacs, democracy, nuclear bombs, and other viral topics. The poor man’s voice is not audible because we are too busy making our sons and grandsons happier and wealthier. The quote of Gurajada Apparao says – Nation means not Land, but Nation Means Its People. Every Indian is a heritage of our nation irrespective of their financial conditions. It is our responsibility to construct the lives of poor people and help fulfill their minimum needs. More than 75% of people live in rural areas, and raising the villages and providing more facilities improves their living standards.

Reasons for the Poverty in India and Its Growth

#1. Education 

Illiteracy is invading our nation, and 35% of our population can’t read or write. Slums, rural and remote areas are the strongholds of illiteracy. Education is the pillar for the growth of a nation, and unfortunately, we are at the bottom line of educating poor rural children. We need to facilitate the schools, provide the needful resources, and encourage the poor to send their children to schools. Children in schools reduce child labor, poverty, income inequality, etc.

#2. Hunger & Healthcare 

Hunger is the universal problem, and it has no caste, creed, region, and religious differences; it affects everyone. Poverty in India is the fundamental cause of hunger and poor health care practices. We need to donate food to feed poor people in India. Many lost their jobs, businesses, and this impacts the poor people in food deprivation. Most of them live deprived due to malnutrition, and we need to supply nutritious food to the hunger to end poverty in India.

#3. Village Empowerment 

Everyone prefers to stay in cities due to the classic and comfortable city lifestyle with its availability and contemporary living standards. The problem is that 75% of Indians live in rural areas, and they depend upon farming the land to run their families. Our crops are highly dependent on weather, which is uncertain at times. We need to create job opportunities and earning chances for the jobless and underpaid employees in the villages. ISFH Foundation introduces Gram Utthan Program to raise the villagers and help the deprived ones suffering due to lack of human rights. Let’s take part in our mission and vision to strengthen the power of the nation by standing with poverty alleviation.

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