Income Inequality

Income/ Wealth Distribution plays a major role in the growth of the nation. Emerging nations like India have multiple reasons linked to the increasing inequalities such as technological change, globalization, policy fashion, and redistribution changes. Alongside labor market and social policies highly impacts inequalities. The unequal distribution of income leads the nation into poverty. We must break this challenge to foresee a developed country.
ISFH Foundation works to reduce income inequalities by addressing the challenges and proposes feasible solutions to defeat income inequality. We raise the income levels of the poor by encouraging entrepreneurship aspirants of the below poverty line backgrounds. We supply end-to-end needs to small business owners right from the start of the business till they firmly succeed in the market.

Income Inequality Mission

  • Turn Poverty into Prosperity for the economically weak
  • Supports new or existing business  owners of  the  low-income category
  • Provides finances, materials, and resources along  with  seller assistance
  • Backs the small businesses until their success 

Come Join Us

Income Inequality affects our nation by making well-nurtured essential services unavailable to the people with lower/ lowest earnings. We can only build a fair society with equal human rights by justifying the income inequality between the poor and rich. Beat poverty & fight inequality by joining ISFH Income Inequality Mission.